Systems thinking and sustainability- a workshop at 5th ACRICE

Categories: IUPAC projects

Project No.: 2022-013-1-050

Start Date: 1 Aug 2022

Division: Committee on Chemistry Education

Systems thinking was recently identified as a key competency for sustainability researchers and practitioners; however, it is rarely introduced and developed in chemistry education. Chemistry is traditionally taught and learnt in a reductionist manner, as a compilation of stand-alone topics with little connection to one another or real life. An urgent need to introduce systems thinking in chemistry education (STICE) was recently identified to increase awareness and prepare chemistry students to contribute meaningfully to addressing sustainability challenges, and to encourage students to take personal responsibility for lifestyle choices that contribute to sustainability.

The objectives of this workshop at ACRICE are: to relate the core messages of IUPAC about sustainability, to introduce the concept of systems thinking, to demonstrate and discuss its relevance to chemistry education, to present and equip participants with the ability to develop strategies and resources to implement STICE, as well as to collaborate with fellow chemistry educators in doing it in the future.