Project No.: 2017-010-1-050
Start Date: 1 May 2017
End Date: 18 Dec 2019
Division: Committee on Chemistry Education
Recent high profile global initiatives highlight the crucial role of chemistry in finding solutions to multiple emerging global challenges. Progress toward solutions by the profession of chemistry will require a more visible and consistent integration of systems thinking into chemistry education at various levels. Students need guidance in seeing the relevance of their education in and through chemistry for addressing challenges such as sustainability, alternative energy, planetary boundaries, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The project will be carried out in 5 phases, as follows:
Phase 1 – Literature Review: A literature review on approaches to the implementation of systems thinking in secondary and post-secondary chemistry education will be carried out to guide the work of the project group.
Phase 2 – Consultation with a Broad International Group of Chemistry Education Leaders: The project committee will consult with a broad group of leaders in post-secondary chemistry education to: (a) assess the interest in and barriers to increasing the use of systems thinking in general chemistry, (b) gauge the extent to which systems thinking is already being used in general chemistry instruction; (c) identify exemplars and best practices for implementing systems thinking at both secondary and post-secondary levels; and (d) obtain buy-in by a larger group of individuals and organizations to help with disseminating and implementing the eventual learning objectives.
Phase 3 – Draft Learning Objectives, Exemplars for Assessable Student Learning Outcomes, and Strategies to Implement Project Outcomes: The project group will discuss the results of the consultation and articulate a set of draft learning objectives for general chemistry, along with exemplars for translating these objectives into assessable student learning outcomes and strategies to overcome the barriers that have been identified by the larger group.
Phase 4 – Project group meeting and workshop at 25th ICCE: The project group will meet to discuss the feedback obtained and will organize a symposium and workshop at the 25th International Conference on Chemistry Education to present the work in progress and obtain feedback from the large representative group of global educators.
Phase 5 – Dissemination: After incorporating feedback obtained at the 2018 ICCE Conference and making revisions, the project group will publish the learning objectives, exemplars, and strategies in (a) one (or both) of the two leading chemistry education journals, the Journal of Chemical Education (ACS) and Chemistry Education Research and Practice (RSC); (b) a leading interdisciplinary science journal read widely by both chemists and other professionals, such as Nature Chemistry; and (c) Chemistry International, to communicate outcomes to others in the IUPAC community, including divisions and standing committees.