Global conversation on sustainability

Categories: IUPAC projects

Project No.: 2021-034-2-041

Start Date: 1 Feb 2022

Division: Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD)

The Global Conversation on Sustainability (GCS) project is aligned with the goals of IUPAC and the International Younger Chemists Network to tackle the UN SDGs by raising awareness and implementing sustainable practices on a chemistry basis. We plan to coordinate a one-day virtual event worldwide every year focusing on sustainability towards a common good. We will be providing guidelines about the event framework through instructional videos and manuals for easy information access and to promote the engagement of the chemistry community globally. Possible formats include panel discussions, breakout room sessions and lecture series, aiming at engaging individuals and/or organizations, chemical societies, academic institutions, industry, government, non-governmental organizations, policymakers, among others in fruitful conversations about actions to be taken locally, nationally and at an international level in addressing the SDGs.

This project hopes to result in the following benefits:

1) Implement sustainable practices’ culture among the chemistry community worldwide;

2) Promote the engagement of young and established chemists and professionals in taking actions for the benefit of society and sustainability of our planet;

3) Showcase activities pursued locally that could be applied nationally/internationally;

4) Launch synergies across different countries and continents in implementing sustainable practices;

5) Highlight opportunities for younger chemists to volunteer within IUPAC projects by enhancing the IYCN/IUPAC synergies.